Source code for seddy._specs._io

"""Workflows specs serialisation and desieralisation."""

import json
import pathlib
import typing as t
import logging as lg

from . import Workflow

logger = lg.getLogger(__package__)

class WorkflowNotFound(LookupError):
    """Workflow not found."""

def _construct_workflows(workflows_spec: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> t.List[Workflow]:
    """Construct workflows from specification.

        workflows_spec: workflows specifications

        workflow type specifications

    from . import WORKFLOW

    assert (1,) < tuple(map(int, workflows_spec["version"].split("."))) < (2,)
    workflows = []
    for workflow_spec in workflows_spec["workflows"]:
        workflow_cls = WORKFLOW[workflow_spec["spec_type"]]
        workflow = workflow_cls.from_spec(workflow_spec)
    return workflows

def _load_specs(workflows_file: pathlib.Path) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """Load workflows specifications file.

    Determines load method from the file suffix. Supported file types:

    * JSON
    * YAML

        workflows_file: workflows specifications file path

        workflows specifications
    """"Loading workflows specifictions from '%s'", workflows_file)
    workflows_text = workflows_file.read_text()
    if workflows_file.suffix == ".json":
        return json.loads(workflows_text)
    elif workflows_file.suffix in (".yml", ".yaml"):
            import yaml
        except ImportError as e:
                from ruamel import yaml
            except ImportError as er:
                raise e from er
        return yaml.safe_load(workflows_text)
    raise ValueError("Unknown extension: %s" % workflows_file.suffix)

[docs]def load_workflows(workflows_file: pathlib.Path) -> t.List[Workflow]: """Load workflows specifications file. Determines load method from the file suffix. Supported file types: * JSON * YAML Args: workflows_file: workflows specifications file path Returns: workflows specifications """ workflows_specs = _load_specs(workflows_file) return _construct_workflows(workflows_specs)
def get_workflow( name: str, version: str, workflows_spec_file: pathlib.Path, ) -> Workflow: """Get workflow specification. Args: name: workflow name version: workflow version workflows_spec_file: workflows specifications file path Returns: workflow specification Raises: WorkflowNotFound: if workflow with given name and version not found """ workflows = load_workflows(workflows_spec_file) try: return next(w for w in workflows if == name and w.version == version) except StopIteration: raise WorkflowNotFound("name=%s, version=%s" % (name, version)) from None